THE RISING is a post-apocalyptic science fiction short film from Berlin. After its initial release in August 2012 the film went on a festival tour around the world for one year and subsequently was released online for free.


2057. More than 25 years have passed since the incident destroyed the planet’s atmosphere. The survivors took refuge in shelters, buried deep into the ground. At surface level LE-E-003976 is gathering data and samples of the toxic environment. To this day he has never come across a single human soul on his predefined path through the bleak wastelands. But today LE-E is not alone.

THE RISING is available on DVD and Blu-ray! Drop us a line – we’ll get back to you with more info as soon as possible.

Did you know?

Fun Fact 1

In the first draft for the screenplay LE-E was set to be a young boy, scouring a deserted landscape covered with snow.

Fun Fact2

The film was shot in only 4 days in February 2012 in Berlin and Brandenburg. Then post production went on for another 4 months.

Fun Fact 3

335 GB of film material were shot – and not one single sound file. The complete sound was designed in post production.

Fun Fact 4

There isn’t one single line of dialogue throughout the whole film.

Fun Fact 5

The festival tour was crowd-funded. The production was financed from private funds.

Fun Fact 6

The survival food LE-E is eating in the film was actually sweet tea granulate.

Fun Fact 7

The scientist’s lab that you see in the film is actually the control room of the recording studio where sound design, music and mixing were done.

Fun Fact 8

The film consists of about 120 shots. 60 shots were reworked digitally.

Fun Fact 9

Right before the final shootout-sequence you can see the legs of the film’s producers running past LE-E in slow motion.

One Response to ABOUT

  • […] interessante Fakten von der offiziellen Seite des Filmes: 1. Im ersten Filmentwurf ging es noch um einen jungen, der durch eine Schneelandschaft […]